flu in children

Flu In Children

Symptoms of H1N1 in Children · Fever and chills · Sore throat · Cough · Severe muscle aches · Severe fatigue · Headache · Runny nose, nasal congestion. Flu shots can be given to children 6 months and older. Side effects might include soreness, redness and swelling where the shot was given. A fever, muscle aches. Key points · Flu symptoms include a runny nose, sore throat, cough, fever, headache and muscle aches. · Children under 5 years are at a higher risk of. The flu, also known as influenza, is more dangerous than the common cold for children and poses a serious threat to the health and well-being of children. Most people with the flu are sick for about a week, and then they feel better. But, some people, especially young children, pregnant women, older people, and.

The flu is very contagious. People can spread it from a day before they feel sick until their symptoms are gone. This is about 1 week for adults, but it can be. Contact your child's doctor about getting vaccinated or find a flu clinic near you. For more information, please call the Children's Colorado Flu Hotline: Let your child rest as much as needed. · Keep your child hydrated with plenty of liquids. · Relieve symptoms with: a cool-mist humidifier; saline (saltwater) nose. The Flu Vaccine Children 2 years and older who are at increased risk for serious complications from the flu because of an underlying chronic medical condition. When To See a Doctor · High or persistent fever. · Your baby or child is not feeding/eating, or decreased number of wet diapers. · Your child can't breathe, or. Children younger than 2 years old will often need to be treated with medicine that fights off the flu virus. This is called antiviral medicine. The medicine. Influenza, commonly called the flu, is an infection caused by a strain (version) of the influenza virus. It mainly affects the nose, throat and lungs. What to look out for when your child has the flu · Significant lethargy · Poor feeding · Vomiting · Diarrhoea · Breathlessness or wheezing · Discolouration of. Find facts about flu here, including how to recognize flu symptoms in babies and kids. Flu can cause children under 4 years old to get very sick. What are the signs and symptoms of the flu? · a fever that starts suddenly (a temperature more than 38 degrees Celsius) · body aches or pains · headache · dry cough.

The best way to avoid problems from the flu is by preventing it in the first place. That's why in Massachusetts in , an annual flu shot (influenza. Children younger than 5 years old have a greater chance of having problems with the flu. Children with a long-term condition such as asthma and. Because children touch their noses, eyes and mouths often, put things in their mouths, and touch each other often during play, flu germs spread easily. There is. Unfortunately, no medicines will cure the flu or the common cold. There are antiviral medications to help treat influenza in children by shortening the illness. Early flu symptoms in kids to watch for · It comes on suddenly · Fever is greater than ° Fahrenheit · Coughing is dry and gunk-free · There's a noticeable. Unfortunately, no medicines will cure the flu or the common cold. There are antiviral medications to help treat influenza in children by shortening the illness. Influenza (Flu) Influenza (flu) is a serious illness that leads to thousands of hospitalizations, most in children younger than 5 years of age. “Your child will go from feeling fine to crummy very quickly. The symptoms include fever, headache, congestion, sore throat, cough, fatigue and body aches. Approximately 80% of pediatric flu deaths occurred in children not vaccinated against the flu. Severe flu complications are most common in children younger.

Check if you have flu · a sudden high temperature · an aching body · feeling tired or exhausted · a dry cough · a sore throat · a headache · difficulty sleeping · loss. Influenza (flu) is a very contagious viral infection that affects the air passages of the lungs. It causes a high fever, body aches, a cough, and other symptoms. How to treat the flu · Let them sleep - make sure your child gets plenty of restful sleep. · Try and feed them – this can help them keep energy levels up; but. Flu. Flu generally starts more suddenly and severely than a cold, with a higher fever and chills. A child with the flu feels much more achy and uncomfortable. Influenza makes you feel miserable. Fever, muscle aches, chills, headache, cough and fatigue add up to an unpleasant five or six days.

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